How A Young Entrepreneur Is Disrupting Finance & Blockchain Tech At Berkeley

Finn Wolff is disrupting finance and blockchain at UC Berkeley

"Blockchain" is a word that most people's grandparents have heard in 2022, but back in 2017 when Finn Wolff was a Freshman at Berkeley, it was unfamiliar territory for most. At the time, Bitcoin was just crossing $3,000 and Ethereum was sitting at right around $250, cryptocurrencies that were considered speculative at best at the time. However, Blockchain technology itself was starting to root itself within the community at Berkeley at the time with the now highly popular and ultra competitive club "Blockchain at Berkeley" beginning to gain popularity.

At the time Finn had helped found Asset Management at Berkeley, a club that helped undergraduate students understand the financial and investment landscape while teaching them fundamental financial analysis to help make intelligent investments. The club itself was very successful in bringing on new members and raising capital for their fund from alumni and contacts in the Bay Area.

While Asset Management at Berkeley was a huge success, Blockchain and cryptocurrencies were continuing to grow in popularity. According to Finn, his passions have always lay with starting companies in a space where he foresees a cultural trend that he believes will grow to influence mainstream culture. In the past, two of his companies have been in the social media space and ski industry where he saw trends in behavior among young adults as well as outdoor enthusiasts.

With Blockchain, Finn saw an equal opportunity in how these technologies would disrupt traditional finance, become part of mainstream culture, and provide financial freedom for people across the world. After a year of studying the Blockchain and crypto space, he decided to take a leap of faith and collaborate with peers among the Blockchain at Berkeley club to help bring awareness, education, and practical use of Blockchain technology to more students across the university.

Fast forward four years later and Blockchain and crypto have exploded onto the financial and cultural stage globally, dominating the interests of forward-thinking youth across the world. Finn has continued to be an advocate, investor, and educator in the space, keeping up with his contacts from when he first got involved in late 2017 and now focusing on his own company that's planning to bring Blockchain, crypto and NFT's to a wider audience among the culture. While nobody knows what the next four years will hold, Finn is confident that this technology will provide countless opportunities for a new generation to find their own definition of financial freedom while continuing to push the culture forward.