Finn Wolff Helps Raise Thousands After Best Friend Loses His Life

Finn Wolff from Berkeley helps raise funds after best friend passes away

Some friends are only in your life for seasons, while others are there for a lifetime. I can confidently say that about both Thompson Kamara and Finn Wolff, two of my closest friends that I’ve known since we were all in the 1st grade. However, our journey with Thompson was sadly cut short when he lost his life at the end of 2020 to a senseless act of gun violence. 

One of the special things about Thompson was that whether you’d just met him yesterday or knew him your whole life, you felt like he was your best friend. He was a kind soul to everyone he met, and even though he was arguably the coolest kid in town he was always the one to befriend and compliment everyone he liked whether you were popular or the quiet kid in the corner wearing a hat or shirt that he liked. Finn and I had known Thompson all our lives and always knew him to be this way, however it became apparent just how many people he touched with his time on this Earth when there were hundreds of kids at his funeral. 

When Thompson passed away it left a hole in all our hearts, and Finn and I wanted to do something that would help raise money for his family. Knowing Thompson was always passionate about fashion, and having some of our close friends who were also designers and good friends of Thompsons, we decided to develop a charitable clothing release titled “Whomps World.” 

With the help of Finn’s background in business and connections as well as our friends who help design, we were able to develop, plan, and execute the merch release. The release itself was an incredible success and we were able to donate the proceeds to Thompson’s family to help support them through such a difficult time. We’re planning on continuing to do merch releases more often, along with events and more to help remember Thompson and provide for his family, as I know he’d do the same for us. 

We couldn’t be more thankful to have had such an amazing friend along the journey we call life. While Thompson’s journey in the physical came to an end, we all know he’s watching over us as the best angel anyone could ask for. We’re here to celebrate Thompson’s life as he’d want us to and continue to carry the torch with our own journey’s in life, it’s only the beginning.