
My Thoughts After Spending A Month In The Metaverse

My Thoughts After Spending A Month In The Metaverse

I’m running full speed ahead as I dive behind the wall below the window in front of me. Not a second later, gunfire shatters the window above me as I hear bullets whizzing above my head. I call out to my friend who’s across the street and realize he's also pinned down by gunfire from another assailant. I’m crouching as low as I can to avoid being hit as bullets continue to fly above my head. As I remain low, I reach my hand above the window and fire the fully-automatic submachine gun I keep in my backpack. I have no idea where the bullets are going but I hope it’s enough to keep the attackers at bay while my friend finds cover. As I reach down to reload I see a hand grenade land at my feet. My stomach drops and with no time to think I start to run as my mind counts down 3, 2, 1.......... with a flash of light my world suddenly goes black. My name is Finn Wolff and this is just one of the encounters I had during my month-long combat tour in the metaverse.